In this week's News Shopper Thursday Issue discussion we ask whether holiday companies should be stopped from raising their prices out of school term times. Have your say and add your comments below.

The Thursday Issue is very simple. Each week we put a controversial question or suggestion to you, and ask if you agree or disagree with it.

Here is this week's:

To stop families being ripped off, it should be made illegal for travel firms to hike up prices during school holidays. Failing that, parents should be free to take their children out of school during term times without fear of punishment.

Now it's over to you. Is it fair that the cost of holidays peaks during school breaks? Should parents be given freedom to decide when to take their children out of school? Should schools be more supportive of children experiencing different places, cultures and languages? Should a certain number of family days be allowed each school year? Join the debate and tell us what you think below.

Check News Shopper's website every lunchtime for a new daily opinion column. Friday will be a sport rant. Monday is the Shopper Rant on a topical news story. Tuesday is entertainment day and Wednesday's rant is written by a reader. Be sure to have your say if you agree or disagree with what you read.