Technology is constantly evolving within the games industry, exploring new and more creative methods of gaming. Bluewater apprentices Ruden Bhutia and Katie Barnard look at how this current technology is attracting a much wider audience.

Sega has just launched its new XD Motion Theatre at Bluewater and offered us the chance to test out its latest attraction.

The 4D ride takes you out of this world with its simulated films, giant fans and motion seats that offer the rider up to 2Gs of acceleration and 100 movements per second.

There is a selection of rides to choose from including the Cosmic Coaster, Haunted Mine and The Adventures of Jet and Jin to cater for all the family.

News Shopper: Adventures of Jet and Jin

The Adventures of Jet and Jin is designed for younger children and families with an adventure filled flight, flying past buildings and alongside cars on the motorway.

Moving up the age spectrum, the speed and special effects of the Cosmic Coaster made us feel like we were on a real rollercoaster. But, our favourite had to be the Haunted Mine - it literally puts you on edge, with Indiana Jones style boulders chasing you off the tracks.

Whichever ride you choose it’s definitely an exhilarating experience for all the family.

News Shopper: Haunted Mine ride on the Sega XD Motion Theatre at Bluewater

The gaming industry has certainly moved on from the days of arcades and Pacman, with new rides and home entertainment constantly evolving, targeting a broader audience and challenging the entertainment boundaries.

By developing games that encourage social networking and exercise, an industry which was previously viewed as endorsing an idle and unhealthy generation has now turned the tables and is encouraging healthy, active lifestyles through the medium of new software and games.

The Wii is one of the latest consoles developed to appeal to a wider audience with its variety of games and applications that encourage physical activity.

The motion sensor picks up your movements, translating these into actions within the game, literally taking exercise to the next level.

Nintendo has continued to develop this concept, creating the Wii Balance Board which allows you to keep fit in the comfort of your own home.

Call of Duty in GAME (Or COD as referred to by hardcore fans) is listed as one of the top 10 games for Xbox users, allowing you to play live online against friends, family and even gamers on the other side of the world.

Encouraging social interaction, this whole new dynamic allows Xbox 360 users to interact and communicate globally.

Other games such as FIFA 2010 and Pro Evolution continue to battle it out, offering excellent gaming features and graphics. In our opinion FIFA will always have the upper hand.

With games like Buzz Mega Quiz and LittleBigPlanet, where you can create your own levels making them available online, you’ll never be stuck for things to do on a Friday or Saturday night again.

However, if you’re less interested in the virtual world and more passionate about creating your own tabletop battle games, Game Workshop’s most popular games franchises War Hammer 40,000 and Lord of the Rings will appeal to your inner warrior.

You can build and paint models then challenge your friends to a battle. If you manage to perfect your skills on the battlefield, you can compete in competitions all around the world organised by Game Workshop.

Gaming really has made many significant advances since the days of Space Invaders and Pong, impacting on modern lifestyles, keeping you fit, entertaining families, friends and even cyber friends.

The Sega 4D Motion Theatre is located on the Lower Mall at Bluewater in the Blue Welcome Hall. For more information visit