If you want to step into spring with a healthy outlook, it’s time to ditch picking on left-over food. It’s surprising how quickly the calories mount up grazing on left-over food. A nibble on a fishcake, a few chips or a chicken nugget can add about 40kcals each.

If you stick to planned meals and healthy snacks, the temptation to nibble will be reduced.

With longer warmer days, a healthy fruit snack seems more appealing, so now’s the time to break out a bowl of vitamin rich goodness to add a spring to your step. One portion of fruit is about 80g which in real terms is an apple, an orange, a banana, 2 plums or a slice of melon. Try a banana sandwich, great for pre-exercise. Seasonal fruits coming out right now are gooseberries and rhubarb, gorgeous stewed and added to yogurts, fools or as a crumble.

Remember-eat 5 portions of fruit and vegetables a day for a healthy body!

Spring walks.

What better way to enjoy the first glimpse of spring than to walk out there and meet it head on. Breath in the fresh air, soak up the sun light and stretch those muscles. Sunlight allows vitamin D to be formed under the skin, which helps our bone structure. The impact of walking will also maintain a strong skeletal frame.. Bromley has 120 miles of rights-of-way to explore. High Elms Country Park hold group walks every Tuesday morning. Check it out!

Sipping too many celebratory bevies?

Easter is a time of celebration and what better way than raising a glass? The trick is to maintain a perspective when alcohol is being offered. Experts say 1-2 units of alcohol are good for health. 1 unit is 1/3 of a pint of beer or ½ a glass (175ml) of red wine. If you drink more than this, the possibility of a stroke for women and higher blood pressure for men is increased. Tips on lowering your intake are

  • Set a drink limit before you start drinking
  • Drink in smaller quantities e.g. bottled beer or use a smaller wine glass
  • Drink water before you go out to quench your thirst
  • Take days off so you rest from drinking alcohol and lessen the habit effect.

    Alcohol is good for stress and an antioxidant only when drunk in small quantities!

    Slurp on water.

    We naturally crave water, though this is not universally recognised! Our bodies are about 2/3 water which has to be replaced continuously. We need water for chemical reactions taking place during digestion, for our hormones that travel in blood, to keep our blood from being too viscous and sticky and it helps our kidneys to function properly, clearing out toxins. If we don’t replace the water that evaporates through breathing and sweating, we may feel thirsty, experience headaches, lack concentration or feel confused and irritable.

Keep hydrated with 6-8 glasses of water each day, more if you’re exercising or out in the heat.

Spring vegetable-give them a try.

We will soon see an abundance of spring vegetables in our shops such as asparagus, carrots, cauliflower, cucumber, curly kale, spinach, spring greens, watercress, and purple sprouting broccoli. The flavour of these is best experienced when they are eaten raw as in watercress, pear, stilton and walnut salad or baby carrots, cauliflower florets and spring cucumber as tasty sticks for dippers. A fresh spinach omelette is a great quick meal when served with slices of bread and butter.

These delicious vegetables will keep your systems fully functional with their natural vitamins and minerals and put the bounce back into spring.

Stretching for that spring in your step.

Any personal trainer or fitness professional will tell you how important stretching is, before and after exercise. Why not start your day with a series of stretches, starting from your feet and working up to your neck and head to get you ready for whatever the day has to offer.. Or when the day is over, release the tension by gently stretching all your muscles. The benefits of spending a few minutes flexing and stretching out sore, neglected or over used muscles is enormous and will either rejuvenate you so other tasks are more enjoyable or relax you, releasing any stress built up during the day.

For further information on the benefits of stretching and beginners fitness or email foodhero@hotmail.com