What a shame Linda Gordon has to spend the last months of her life arguing for drugs to help her.

Should the NHS fund this drug for her? It's us the taxpayer who is funding these drugs and we would all say help yourself Linda - what else do you need?

I am sick to death of watching people coming here from gawd knows where and helping themselves to our National Health Service which no doubt we wouldn't have but for people like Linda's father and forefathers.

£70 a day to give this lady a longer life - it's a bargain! Think about the money wasted by this goverment keeping failed asylum seekers locked up?

We all owe it to Linda to support her on this, someone needs to act yesterday not tomorrow!

By Brian Watson, Bexleyheath

Yes.Linda should most certainly receive Tarceva treatment,everyone life is sacred.

By Vida Deegan, Orpington

I can't help but have mixed feelings about this.

On the one hand, spending £70 a day on pills to prolong this woman's life seems like peanuts compared to the money wasted by the NHS on other things such as non-essential cosmetic surgery.

But on the other hand, there is no explanation about how this woman contracted her disease. If she has killed her lungs by smoking 30 cigarettes a day for 30 years then that would be her own fault and she would be far less deserving of our sympathy. I hope this is not another case of someone's recklessness costing us, the taxpayers, yet more money.

By Dean, Bexley

I am appalled by the comment that Dean made asking how "this woman contracted her disease".

Firstly, 'this woman' has a name, it is Linda Gordon. Please remember it if and when, God forbid, you should be in such an awful position as her.

No, she did not contract the disease by smoking 30 cigarettes a day - even if she had - she has as much right to the best treatment that is available.

For those who choose to drive cars, pot-hole, wind-surf, drink alcohol or self-harmers and suffer as a result, should we say "sorry we can't treat you properly because we choose not too"? Let's hope nobody, especially you, Dean, has to fight for compassion, care and drugs which Linda has had to do.

She knows she will not be cured but the drugs may just give her a little less pain and prolong her life for a little longer.

Who are we to judge people and make decisions about who will, or who will not, be treated. I really hope Dean that you do not fall off your high ground and injure yourself, because my reply may be - sorry you put yourself in that position so we can't treat you.

Jane Brown, Orpington

In response to Dean of Bexley's comments, may I just point out for the record that I am not a smoker! So he can now rest easy at night. I'd like to thank everyone for their support and positive comments.

Linda Gordon, Bromley

I can hardly believe that Linda and her family have been treated like this by the PCT.

It is criminal, deceitful and disgusting to allow her to think her case had gone forward for consideration, only to find out, weeks later, that they hadn't applied for it after all.

They have increased her suffering and in my opinion the only respectable recompense would be to give her the drugs now and apologise.

If this is all about money then shame on the PCT and shame on this country. I want to emigrate.

Wendy, London

  • To see the full story on Linda Gordon's fight, click here

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