A DRINK-DRIVER is "thankful" no-one was injured following a collision involving a police car.

Banker Mark Davies, aged 36, smashed his red Fiat Brava into the back of the vehicle on Sevenoaks Road at the junction with Charmwood Lane, Orpington.

Davis was almost three times over the legal drink-drive limit when breathalysed following the accident on Christmas Eve.

Davies, of Gladstone Road, Farnborough, told Bromley Magistrates' Court: "It is all a bit of a shock really.

"I'm just thankful I did not injure anybody."

At an earlier hearing on January 10, Davies pleaded guilty to drink-driving and was banned from the road pending sentencing.

On January 19, he was disqualified from driving for two years, which will be reduced to 18 months if he completes a 16-hour drink-driver rehabilitation course.

He was also ordered to do 100 hours' community service and pay £55 costs.