BRIAN Conley arrives at Dartford's Orchard Theatre in December to star as Aladdin in this year's pantomime. But before this, you can see Brian when he comes to the town centre this Saturday to switch on Dartford's Christmas lights. Festivities start from 2pm with street entertainers before Brian switches on the lights at 5pm.

Brian says of his role in Aladdin: "There is a real art to playing panto. It's all very well making the kids laugh and shout but you must play to the adults as well.

"At the end of the show, we get four kids up on stage and we don't know what they are going to say or do. That's the best bit of the show for me.

"Some people might think panto is a bit old-fashioned or stuck in its ways but nothing could be further from the truth. Our show is a very expensive, full-on variety show."

"What I love about being the lead is I can break out of character sometimes and do some topical stuff while the others stay in character and keep it all moving along.

He adds: "I'm sure when I come out on stage, within two minutes of the start, everyone is thinking something is going to happen now'."

Brian Conley stars with panto specialists Brian Godfrey as Widow Twankey, Dawson Chance and Willy as the Policemen and Gillian Foster as the Genie.

Aladdin is at the Orchard, Home Gardens, Dartford, from December 2 to January 8 next year. Tickets are from £10.50 with concessions for groups and under 17s/over 60s available.

Call the box office on 01322 220000.