A POLICEMAN has received a prestigious award for providing "outstanding" support to grieving families.

PC Ian Edwards, who is based at the collision investigation unit, Catford, has worked as a family liaison officer for the past 16 years.

During this time he has offered support to families who have lost loved-ones in road traffic accidents.

Now PC Edwards has become the latest winner of the Livia Award for professionalism and service to justice.

The award was founded in 1999 by George and Giulietta Galli-Atkinson, whose 16-year-old daughter Livia was knocked down and killed by a driver in January 1998.

PC Edwards, who received his award at a ceremony in central London last week, said: "I am very honoured to receive this award.

"It recognises the hard work put in by all members of staff in the collision investigation unit, which I am proud to be part of."