HARLOW Council workers are threatening to strike unless suspended colleague Danny Purton is reinstated.

HARLOW Council workers are threatening to strike unless suspended colleague Danny Purton is reinstated.

The head of design and engineering services who has worked for the authority for 33 years has been suspended on full pay since September 19.

The council has refused to make any comment apart from a brief statement linking Mr Purton to an internal investigation into an agreement which the council entered into several years ago.

Harlow Unison branch, which represents council workers, held a mass meeting last Thursday at the Latton Bush Centre when the council's treatment of Mr Purton was condemned as 'the worst example of victimisation and breach of confidentiality members have ever known'.

The meeting agreed unanimously to institute procedures for a branch-wide ballot for industrial action unless Mr Purton is exonerated and returned to work immediately, a full and public apology is made to him and his family, and negotiations are started on a new protocol governing employment contract matters and the use of press and public relations.

According to Unison, the reason for the suspension remains 'a total mystery'. Speaking on Monday, a union spokesperson said: 'As far as we know, Mr Purton hasn't been told what he is supposed to have done. We are consulting our advisors about our next step.'

In a statement issued on Monday evening, the council said: 'We would be happy to hold such negotiations ? there is no need to resort to industrial action to achieve this. We would also point out that the council was forced to issue its original statement by irresponsible leaking of confidential personal information in the first place.'

Shadow portfolio holder for resources and personnel George Reynolds said: 'It appears we are on the verge of a strike that could cripple the provision of essential services in Harlow. This would be a disaster for people in this town.'

Conservative group leader Andrew Johnson said: 'One of the main problems seems to be that hardly anyone knows what's going on. We cannot support or condone strikes that would be harmful to the people of Harlow, but we do understand employees' frustrations at being kept in the dark.

'Opposition councillors are not being informed fully about the nature of this suspension or investigation either.

'This council's obsession with secrecy has to end if we are to maintain confidence in the authority. Do Labour have something to hide?'