By Georgia O'Connor, St Catherine's

The Greenwich and Bexley schools are crying out for placements needed for their Yr 10 / 11 students.

It is time for most schools to send out their pupils for their their weeks' work experience, although there are still very many of them who are without work. Still no-one seems more confused than me about why this may be!

As far as I am concerned this time of the year is nothing but help for everyone involved, because both students and employers gain from the situation.

Whilst students get an insight into work life and its many joys, they also receive an idea of what career paths and opportunities they may be lucky enough to have ahead of them for when they leave school.

On the other hand, most employers enjoy having an extra pair of hands around the job, and an outsider's point of view on certain aspects of the company always makes for a better workplace.

Many employers have decided to withdraw their offer of a work placement due to earlier misuse of the privilege. However I put to you that you no longer place judgement on other students because of those who find things hard to cope with when they are given such a large amount of responsibility.

Teachers and governors are promising the highest quality of students. They too are confused about why companies try to keep such a low profile when it comes to work experience.

Mrs Williams from St Catherine's School in Kent yesterday told us she could not believe her struggle. "For the past few months I have desperately tried to find placements for my Year 11 students, but nobody seems to want to know. Here at St Catherine's I have been head of the careers departments for six years and I have never experienced anything as I have this year. Here I have some lovely young ladies who are very mature and sophisticated with such potential that I cannot place. So I am calling on all employers, in any town, to give all these girls a chance to prove themselves. They may well prove you all wrong!"