Plans to knock down houses in a 'unique' part of Mill Hill to make way for flats were dismissed for the second time this week.

Clearview Homes' proposal to knock down three houses in Victoria Road near Mill Hill Circus was turned down by Barnet Council's Hendon planning sub-committee on Wednesday last week. The original application was dismissed at appeal in March this year, when a government inspector ruled the flats would be too close to neighbouring houses.

The amended plans, which puts the flats further away from other houses, were not convincing enough to persuade members of the planning sub-committee, who said the development would be out of character with the street scene.

Councillor Ruth Nyman said: "This is a monstrous carbuncle. The area is unique in the borough. The whole thing is awful. It is just wrong."

Speaking for Victoria Road residents, Laurence Bard said: "There are no existing flats anywhere in Victoria Road. The proposed development would create an eyesore. It will set a dangerous precedent."

Stephen Murphy, spokesman for the developers, said Clearview Homes would appeal against the decision.

July 6, 2001 14:48