We are writing to express our indignation at the state of the grass cutting of Rosehill Park West and the failure to remove the dog droppings from the bins. In this hot weather it constitutes an extreme health hazard.

We would also like an explanation as to why a cycle track was constructed, presumably at great expense, on Rosehill Park, an obvious waste of fiscal resources when other items of priority have been blatantly ignored.

Such a cycle track will also allow travellers ingress to the park. This project is yet another example of wastage of tax payers money, a tract well known to the Liberal Party, only exceeded by the Labour Government with which we

are blighted for a further crushing term

of office.

We see little evidence of the MPs

involvement in maintaining a clean,

hygienic and safe environment for the

residents of Sutton.

Furthermore, there is a large lump of tarmac missing from the road, located at the bend of Rosehill Park West which if a vehicle should strike the deep hole could possibly cause the driver to lose control and an accident may ensue.

It is a pity that we have to endure another term of Liberal Democrats in Sutton, since we feel it will only be a replica of the last term in office, resulting in further deterioration of amenities and services for the unfortunate people of Sutton.


Rosehill Park West
