The Department of Health has awarded Hertfordshire Council an extra £1.7million to help reduce the number of elderly patients waiting in hospital beds.

The county has been identified as one of 50 councils with the most severe cases of 'bed blocking' and the money, which has been awarded through the Department of Health's 'Cash for Change' initiative, is to help alleviate those problems.

"The extra money for this year and some for next year is desperately needed and is good news for elderly people," explained County Councillor Jane Pitman, executive member for Adult Care Services.

"It will go some way to reducing our concerns about the number of people waiting in hospital and those who could stay at home with the right support," she added.

It is hoped the money will be used to free up beds in hospital, reduce waiting times for treatment and ensure patients are cared for in the appropriate place.

Cllr Pitman added: "This initiative is as much about reducing hospital admissions as it is about helping people leave hospital. This county also has very high occupancy rates in homes so finding additional places will not be easy."

October 23, 2001 13:45