The Barnet Hospital breast unit headed by Rashid Qureshi is a small but effective centre of expertise (Surgeon says hospital's poor rating was a blip', October 11).

As a patient of Mr Qureshi since 1988 and having been successfully treated, I have always found all the staff in the unit to be totally committed and caring.

I am saddened, therefore, to read that the unit failed to meet a core target measured over a ten day period.

How can what happened over such a short period of time truly reflect what may have occurred over six months or indeed even a year?

As well as demoralising staff in the unit and undermining all their hard work, the downside of the NHS performance ratings is that they will only serve to deter patients from utilising this facility. Mr Qureshi and his team deserve to be commended and I for one am happy and confident to remain in the care of the unit.

Joan Newman

Berkeley Crescent, New Barnet

October 23, 2001 13:46