Catalina Botello is starring alongside Gerry Mulgrew in Ay Carmela, at the Warehouse Theatre, Croydon.

What has been your best ever part?

This one; it's great to be doing a show I really believe in and fantastic to be working with Gerry Mulgrew.

Who is your most admired actor/actress?

There are so many, where do I start? Probably Ian Holm and Susan Sarrandon

What's been your favourite or most unusual job while resting?

I worked as a master joiner once that was lots of fun, although I'm much happier doing what I do now.

What's been your most embarrassing moment on stage?

I don't really get embarrassed much, you can't really afford to in this profession as you'll find out if you see the show!

October 23, 2001 17:00