Mrs Jansen's letter ( dated October 5) expressed concern that the excellent work of a Croydon Council community worker who won the Windrush Achievement Award for a pioneering Prevention of Primary School Exclusions project, may have come to an end.

I can assure Mrs Jansen that this is not the case. The council is committed to tackling the many issues that contribute to difficult behaviour and by so doing, reduce exclusions. With this in mind, far from ceasing a project which we clearly recognise as being successful, we have expanded its scope so that the wider community can benefit.

A new post of inclusion/voluntary sector development worker, which sits within the education department's integrated support service, has been created.

A range of high quality services and activities will be developed that will ultimately benefit all schools in the borough, not just primary schools.

This work will particularly focus on black and ethnic communities.

Only last month we published a Behaviour Support Plan for consultation which outlines the principles and aims that underpin Croydon's approach to preventing and dealing with pupil's social, emotional and behavioural difficulties.

Councillor Louisa Woodley

Cabinet Member for Education

October 23, 2001 17:00