Palmists, astrologers and Reiki healing were just a few of the alternative therapies on offer when the Fairfield Halls hosted a holistic health and beauty fair earlier this month.

Convention was left at the door of the Arnhem Gallery at the October 3 event which saw healers from every corner of the complimentary medical field congregate to promote their products and theories.

With the emphasis placed firmly on relaxation and body maintenance, the event radiated a relaxed buzz where visitors were invited to open their minds and take part in demonstrations.

The event was organised by Orpington-based spiritual healing organisation Soul Searchers.

Soul Searchers founder, Ana Cotes, said: "Today is all about offering a different kind of approach to health and beauty and to offer people the chance to test products.

"We believe that in cases where conventional methods have failed people with health and beauty problems, a holistic approach can treat it quite successfully.

"There's a lot to be said for the power of relaxation and using natural remedies to combat the ailments of today's society.

"Yet people are still sceptical over the benefits of holistic healthcare. Hopefully the people here today can see for themselves how effective it can be."

Ana added that as well as giving small organisations at the show the chance to promote their therapies and treatments, the event also gave students from Croydon College's beauty department to chance to show off their skills.

The fair's stalls varied from cosmetics made from natural ingredients to stress-relieving aromatherapy products.

Ecoflow, an organisation who had a stand at the fair, were promoting the use of magnets to treat common complaints and injuries.

One of their products in particular was being marketed as a solution to tackling the problem of the health risks attached to mobile phone use.

Ecoflow's Vector 100, a specially developed type of magnet, claims to deflect the so-called harmful electromagnetic radiation emissions from mobile phones.

A spokesman from Ecoflow explained: "No one knows what the long-term effects of using a mobile phone are but it has become very common for people to suffer regular headaches and dizziness after using a handset.

"Electromagnetic radiation emitted by mobile phones does have an effect on you. Getting a hot ear is very common after using a phone and so is forgetfulness.

"The trouble is that no one knows what this will eventually lead to.

"Our product blocks that radiation and deflects it away from your body."

An Ecoflow representative then proceeded to test the product's effectiveness on me. I was asked to hold out my clenched fist and resist against pressure to push my arm down, which I did successfully.

I was then asked to do the same thing but holding a mobile phone to my ear at the same time. My arm weakened and I was unable to hold it steady.

Unsure of whether my demonstrator had increased her level of pressure purposely, I was told that this weakness in the muscles was an invisible effect of mobile phone emissions.

Simply sticking a Vector 100 to the back of my handset would restore my muscle strength.

But at almost £25 per magnet, I needed a little more convincing before parting with my hard-earned cash.

Those who missed the event can catch the fair next time it rolls into Croydon, but there is a long wait.

Soul Searchers is not planning another two-day show at the Fairfield Halls until October 2002.

For more information contact Soul Searchers on 01689 819 631.

October 25, 2001 13:00