The drinking companions of a Waddon man, killed in a road accident identical to another friend's death seven years earlier, now say they are too scared to cross at the junction.

Bob Smithwhite is the second regular from the Wandle Arms to be killed at the Waddon New Road/Rectory Grove junction since 1993, and punters this week admitted they steer clear of the area.

An inquest into Mr Smithwhite's death on Tuesday (October 23) revealed how the 46-year-old had been crossing the road when he was hit by a turning bus on January 22 at 9.30pm.

Sean Griscti, the 21-year-old driver, told Croydon Coroners Court how he didn't see the plastics operative until it was too late.

Mr Smithwhite, who lived in Waddon New Road, was found barely conscious and bleeding and was pronounced dead shortly after arrival at Mayday Hospital. A post-mortem two days later revealed he had suffered a fractured skull.

In February we reported how Mr Smithwhite's accident mirrored the death of 21-year-old Janice Horsnell, hit by a baker's truck as she crossed the same junction in 1993.

Chris Lloyd, a Courtney Road resident and friend to both victims, told the Guardian how he too had narrowly escaped serious injury when he was hit by a car at the same spot.

At the time Croydon Council said that, despite the fatal accidents, there were still other roads in the borough which had a higher accident rate and were a priority for traffic changes.

But Chris, who drank with Bob at the Wandle Arms, says the pub's regulars have been scarred by the fatal accidents.

He said this week: "We all keep well away from that junction now. Bob is missed by everyone in that pub. Even now, eight months on, we expect to see him come through the door.

"Bob's three sisters and brother came down to the pub the night before the inquest to meet us all and it was really nice to sit and chat about him.

"We've got a lovely memorial bench outside the pub so that every time someone walks in, Bob is remembered."

Deputy Coroner, John Sampson, recorded averdict of accidental death.

October 25, 2001 09:30