Below is a letter to your correspondent Mrs Volk:

I read with interest your experience with the foxes in the Guardian a few weeks ago.

We have exactly the same problem here and it is getting worse year on year. I can relate to all your complaints.

The problem over here is caused by the owner of the garden next door, who has let his property go to rack and ruin and the foxes can breed and live undisturbed in the undergrowth of his untended garden.

I notice they obviously spend more time and do more damage in unattended gardens and I make a point of going into my garden on most days regardless of weather or jobs to do.

I have taken to throwing pebbles and stones in their general direction whenever the noise starts (especially at night) and they are very wary of me and do not frequent my garden as much as they used to because of this they also stop making any noise when I do this and I keep a pile of stones by the back door and always chase them away with loads of noise.

Of course I am beginning to wonder about my sanity, however, this has not solved the long-term problem and, frankly, I think they should be humanely culled, because there are far too many of them and the situation is only going to get worse.

Do let me know your thoughts.


Ramsden Road
