THE misery of a power cut in a tower block bridged the generation gap after a young girl's birthday was ruined and a pensioner was left cold and hungry.

The blackout on Sunday night meant the seven-year-old schoolgirl had to wait until the next day to open her presents and could not light the candles on her cake when darkness fell on John Walsh Tower, Montague Road, Leyton.

At the same time a vulnerable disabled pensioner was left feeling scared and cold as the power cut, which struck at 4.30pm, lasted for 30 hours.

London Electricity claims the cause of the cut was due to the heavy rainfall on Sunday, which led to severe flooding in the tower block swamping the generator.

The electricity could not be switched back on until the electricity company received a safety certificate from Waltham Forest Council.

Janet Hartley, 61, a disabled resident on the 11th floor said she was furious with the council for not offering the residents any help.

She said: "We have being completely forgotten, no one on the 11th floor was given a torch or offered even a cup of tea. The caretaker who I rarely see said why don't I ring social services to help us."

Sandra Haywold, a resident on the fifth floor, went to a friend who gave her children a hot meal.

She said: "I had a birthday party for my daughter on Sunday, which was awful. The children were scared sitting in the dark, and I could not light any of the candles in case one of the children knocked them over."

Her daughter Page, seven, told her she never wanted a birthday party again as 15 friends sat in darkness.

She said that there were many irate parents and the caretaker told her that every household should have a torch and candles. Mrs Haywold was also not visited by the council.

Residents received a notice from the maintenance contractor team leader Mr Yeo apologising for the inconvenience caused.

A Waltham Forest Council spokesman said: "Torches and lamps were fitted to the staircase and landings. Staff knocked on every flat to see if the residents required torches. We understand that it was a miserable situation for all concerned and every possible effort was made to alleviate the situation."