Tories on the GLA have slammed the Government after it was revealed £10 million pounds has been spent so far this year on the failed Millennium Dome.

English Partnerships, the government agency in charge of the dome, spent the cash in less than five months on site maintenance, decommissioning and preparation for sale.

It expects to spend a further £6 million by the end of December for further fees and costs.

It will also spend an average of around £240,000 a month for maintenance and management.

Lord Falconer added, in a Lords written reply: "Costs after 31 December 2001 will depend largely on a number of factors related to the outcome of the ongoing sale process.

"English Partnerships will recover any sale process, decommissioning, maintenance and associated costs from eventual sale proceeds."

However, Tories on the GLA remain unimpressed.

GLA Economic Development Chairman Eric Ollerenshaw said: "This is a scandalous waste of public money.

"English Partnerships should be using such money on regenerating London's poorest areas, not throwing good money after bad in an attempt to save the government's vanity."

October 25, 2001 10:03

Lawrence Shaw