OWNED and managed by child protection charity the Lucy Faithful Foundation, the Wolverton Clinic is a secure unit that aims to treat and rehabilitate paedophiles who have abused children in their care.

The centre, which treats up to 25 men at any one time for periods as long as a year, has been based at the former Horton Hospital site in Epsom since 1996. However, as part of the department of health's strategy to sell off its outdated properties the internationally renowned unit has been forced to relocate.

According to Home Office spokesman Tim Watkinson, while the Silverlands estate has been identified as an ideal location for the clinic because of its self-contained house and extensive grounds, ministers are still considering other options and have raised concerns over the lack of dialogue with suspicious residents.

Keen to dispel misconceptions, Mr Watkinson said since the Epsom clinic's launch 280 men have been treated, and although he could not quantify its success rate, claimed it has a good record.

Once offenders have completed their treatment they are either ordered to return home or placed in housing away from the clinic by the probation directorate.

He stressed that although the clinic does not treat violent or predatory paedophiles, safety of staff and residents is a priority and that while working closely with Surrey police, offenders incarcerated at the site would be hemmed in by security staff, a state-of-the-art security system and fences to safeguard neighbours.