HARINGEY councillors came together to express their condolences towards victims of September 11 attacks in America last week.

Speeches were made by all political parties and a resolution was unanimously agreed, condemning the acts of violence in New York and Washington. Offers of condolence and support to all who suffered as a result of the disaster were also made.

Cllr GMMH Rahman Khan (Lab) said in his speech: "The events of 11 September in New York and Washington were the product of some misguided persons.

"I firmly believe that any person involved had evil motives and their only objective was to achieve their own selfish ends.

"There is no scope for supporting the violence, aggression, terrorism and unjust acts in any form.

He added: We extend our condolences to all who have suffered and support the action of the UK government in this difficult time.

"I trust that people of Haringey are all making sincere endeavours to live together in peace and harmony regardless of difference in race, shape, colour or relegion."

Cllr Peter Forrest (Con) said: For many people in this Chamber, and of my generation, November 22, 1963, was an unforgettable day of infamy. On that day, President John F Kennedy was shot by a sniper, or snipers, and died. With that death, a light seemed to go out in the world and nothing could ever seem the same again.

"For todays generation, that day of bleak, stark realisation of the dawning of a new, uncertain era was September 11 2001. On that day, the lives of more than 5,000 men, women and children of all faiths and from more than 100 countries were extinguished in an unparalleled act of mass terror.

"The Twin Towers were an icon of the power and success of the United States. I for one hope that they will be re-built. But our fear here tonight is not about bricks and mortar but about the danger of lasting damage to the peace and harmony between the culturally diverse, multi-ethic communities of all faiths living in Haringey.

"The faiths of the country of the victims and of the hunted are irrelevant here. There is no war on Islam, simply a war on terrorists."