THE recent Government assessment of the performance of Barnet and Chase Farm Hospitals Trust presents a very disturbing picture of our local health service.

Official reports are renowned for glossing over the realities that the citizenry face when dealing with the authorities. Taking this fact into consideration it shows just how bad things have become.

The most disturbing section of the report states that there are deficiencies in the area of medical negligence ie foul-ups and incompetence of staff.

At the risk of committing an act of heresy by stating the obvious, it is evident from the report that not all the doctors, nurses and technicians employed by the trust are on top of their jobs.

The simple truth is that there are good and bad health professionals just as there are good and bad bus drivers, shop assistants and bank clerks.

Ultimately responsibility must rest with the highly paid managment team.

The problems within the Trust must have been evident to these people for many years yet they have not been willing or able to turn things round. As soon as is humanly possible they should be replaced by sufficiently qualified people who can.

It is very reassuring that the Government has decided to properly address the trust's shortcomings, albeit belatedly, and this action should be welcomed by anyone who supports the principle of a National Health Service that delivers effective treatment free at the point of delivery.

The people of Barnet and Enfield deserve better.


Kilvinton Drive,
