Ross Nursey from Chessington fished the midweek open at Gold Valley on Gold Lake.

He drew peg 44, one peg away from the one he fished the previous Sunday when all his fish kept coming off but on Wednesday they all stayed hooked.

All 33 who took part caught fish. Ross Nursey of Davis Angling won with 100lb 7oz on feeder and worn.

Leatherhead's John Swann was second. Included in his 62lb 10oz haul, was an 18lb mirror carp caught on maggot feeder. The most consistent female angler in southern England, Denise Hudgell of Reading Angling, was third with 62lb 2ozs on maggot feeder.

Foxborough AC fished against HMG Bear Green on the North Lake at Newdigate.

Despite pouring rain there was a good turnout from both teams and the water fished well.

Foxborough won the match with Peter Jones taking 56lb of fish all caught with just the top three sections of his pole, fishing to hand.

Foxborough's Tony Hunt was second with 40lb, maggot and bread flake was the bait.

A trip to the tackle shop for waterproof clothing may be in order as we seem to be in for another wet winter.

The Centre Lake at Newdigate is now open. For tickets call 01306 631573.

October 26, 2001 15:30