A PC who gathered evidence from three sex abuse victims and another who stopped a man hanging himself are among a troupe of Sutton's finest to be honoured next week.

The Metropolitan Police will pay tribute to 17 Sutton officers and special constables for various feats of bravery, professionalism and initiative, at a commendation ceremony in Bromley, next Thursday.

Among them are PC Beverley Blair, who brought three victims of serious sexual abuse through the gruelling criminal justice process, in 1999, and Philip Skelt, who stopped a man from hanging himself, in July.

Praise will also be reserved for PCs Clive Coles, Stephen Wright, Matthew Shelley and Alison Hall, who together saved a man who had set himself alight in a suicide bid, last September.

Another award winner is PC Paul Cummings, who burst into a burning Sutton flat and persuaded its elderly resident to leave, last month.

Others include DC Mark Fletcher PCs Ron Liquorice, Alex Burlison, Steven Ogles, Howard Potter, Steve Dunn and Michael Wivell and retired officer Peter Garrad.

Among the volunteer ranks, Sub-divisional Officers Bruce Baxter and John Walters and Special Police Constable Robert Cross will also each receive a pat on the back.

October 26, 2001 13:00