BROOMFIELD House, that terminal millstone around Enfield Council's neck, is no closer to being restored 17 years after fire devastated the building.

As a Grade II listed building, English Heritage terms its condition as "very bad" and it remains on the Buildings at Risk register.

Now, exactly two years after the fanfare which greeted the formation of the council task force, plans to rebuild Broomfield House as a community facility have ground to a halt.

While we applaud the abandonment of the two previous 'pub in the park' plans for the landmark, the subsequent failure of the task force to deliver the community project has concerned even its own members.

The time has come for the council to stop paying lip service and come up with a concrete bid which will secure the future of the 'jewel in the borough's crown'.

We await the outcome of what promises to be an interesting task force meeting on Friday.