The press reports that at the recent Sutton Question Time meeting Councillor Mike Cooper said the main reason people do not vote is because they do not think it makes a difference.

I agree with him. Local politicians blame the Government for dictating their actions through policy directives and financial constraints so the voter feels they are offered a choice only between Tweedledum and Tweedledee.

All three local groups demonstrated their effectiveness in looking after themselves when they voted themselves a ten-fold pay rise unanimously and without the need for any consultation period with the resident council taxpayers.

All three groups demonstrated their ineffectiveness in looking after Sutton residents when they went cap in hand to the Government to try to secure an adequate funding deal and got nothing.

Until one of them gives me something to cheer for, such as actually reversing the yearly cutbacks and charges on the sick, disabled and elderly, I shall continue to return my voting slip endorsed none of these thanks'.

If enough voters did it a real difference might be achieved remember the effect of voter action on the poll tax and wheelie bin fiascos.


November 6, 2001 11:00