I write, once again, in disappointment at the nature of last week's piece: 'Veterans demand names are added' (Hendon Times Group, November 15).

That this issue is a highly sensitive one for many is not in doubt. That many closely involved feel frustrated is clearly an immutable fact too.

However, it is unacceptable for the Barnet War Memorials Initiative (BWMI) to continue to offer often untrue comments about Harrow Council regarding this matter.

It is stated that Harrow Council failed to send anyone to Sunday's Remembrance Day service.

Surely that view would hold greater weight if we were actually invited in the first place.

Sadly we were not. In fact, our records seem to indicate that we have never been invited.

The article also suggests that Harrow doesn't care about the site. Again this is untrue.

On Monday, November 5, the Mayor paid his respects to the memorial along with representatives from the Royal British Legion, as he did for all war memorials in our borough. Why was this not mentioned last week?

Representatives from the BWMI again repeat the untruth that we have only attended only one meeting.

I have attended a number of meetings as has a colleague of mine. Indeed, my liaison with them led to a sub-committee of the BWMI being created in Harrow in the first place.

However, our correspondence ends with a letter sent to the BWMI in September 2000 requesting that a meeting take place. Since then we have heard absolutely nothing.

This is hardly a 'cop out' as was suggested last week, is it?

Councillor Dan Redford

Communications Portfolio Holder,

London Borough of Harrow

November 21, 2001 13:39