Young volunteers at a youth project in Waddon attracted special attention recently when the minister with responsibility for local government visited the centre.

Nick Raynsford MP came to Waddon Youth Centre on Friday, November 9, to see the variety of valuable youth work undertaken there.

Opened 10 years ago, the centre is part of the council's initiative to involve young people in the community, to reduce loitering on the street, and associated problems like graffiti.

Waddon estate is fairly isolated, so the centre is convenient for local youngsters, with a project called Summer Splash' attracting over 150 young people and over 1,000 separate visits this year.

Youth service leader Ian Marshall said: "It was open five days a week, offering a range of activities including arts, music and sports centre trips."

Last year, a council consultation initiative with the Waddon in the Community' group to find out residents' views, found both young and old people saying the youth needed somewhere to go.

Youth workers claim the summer project resulted in a dramatic reduction in complaints about the estate.

Mr Raynsford MP said: "It's very impressive and we want to see more independent youth projects. The key is that initiatives have to be relevant to young people."

The Waddon project even runs a DJ workshop to help young people develop music interest into a practical skill.

It also hosts the Prince's Trust volunteer scheme which organises work placements and group work to help people aged 16-25 develop skills to find employment or go to college.

November 21, 2001 09:00