Just when you think you can't be any more appalled by the actions of somebody, another revelation comes out and you are proved wrong.

I am, of course, referring to the stabbing to death of New Cross bouncer George Napier and more to the point to the person who killed him, Duane Daniels (News Shopper, November 21).

It stuns me to find out he admitted committing more than 950 violent crimes by his early 20s. He served some time, then came out and ended up stabbing Mr Napier through the heart leaving three kiddies fatherless in the process.

I am sure the judge, whose duty it is now to sentence Daniels, will see to it justice is done at long last regarding this man.

But what happens to Mr Napier's children now? I doubt as they grow up without their dad, they will be bothered whether Daniels is incarcerated. They will be more concerned about losing a father.

There will be those people calling for Daniels to be sent down for good, but I urge such people to think about the real victims. The children.



November 22, 2001 15:35