A tribute record written by a Southfields musician to honour murdered 10-year-old Damilola Taylor, is released on Monday, the day before the first anniversary of his death.

Lead singer of Osibisa, Gregg Brown, originally wrote Wake up the Morning after the Brixton riots and is also executive producer of the record.

He said his teenage son had been attacked twice by black and white gangs, so it was not just a race issue'.

"We have to come together as a community and deal with youths to show them a better way,'' he said.

Artists performing on the single under the name, Together as One, include Gabrielle, Des'ree, Roachford and Courtney Pine.

Royalties will go to the Damilola Taylor Trust, established by his parents Richard and Gloria Taylor to help inner-city community projects in Britain and Nigeria and tackle urban violence.

November 23, 2001 11:00