A whopping £1,000 was given to Jigsaw, a Sutton charity which gave teddy bears to more than 250 abused and bereaved children last year.

The money was raised by the Worcester Park Women's Club, which has two major events a year to generate funds for local good causes.

After a joint decision, the group decided Jigsaw would be its dedicated charity and held a fundraising quiz in the spring and a car boot sale in summer.

The presentation was on Friday, November 9, at Cheam Common Junior School in Kingsmead Avenue, Worcester Park, where the group holds its weekly meetings.

Club secretary Geraldine Berrills, who has been a member of the club for 35 years, said: "They were ecstatic because they give all the children they help a teddy bear which I imagine can be quite expensive."

The club will celebrate its 40th anniversary next year and is always looking for new recruits.

Ms Berrills said: "We have talks about anything from Antartica to making a will.

"You name it, we've probably done it."

The group meets every Friday at 7.30pm and costs £16 a term, which includes a cup of tea.

November 23, 2001 10:30