PACKED shoeboxes filled with gifts are on their way to needy children around the world.

Pupils from Oakdale Infants School in South Woodford, have been thinking of others in the run up to Christmas by sending boxes of toys and other items to those living in poor and war-ravaged countries.

It is part of the project Operation Christmas Child, which delivers the boxes to boys and girls in countries such as Romania, Kosovo and Bosnia.

The boxes were a contribution from the pupils and their families. The youngsters are told who the boxes are likely to go to, and what happens to the boxes once they are sent.

Headteacher Sina Williams said: The boxes will provide a source of pure joy to many of the children overseas. The gifts will be distributed to children of many cultures, religions and ethnicity.

Some have been abandoned by their parents, others are displaced by war or have been traumatised by recent violence in their country.

Helping the youngsters to pack the shoeboxes were the school's new governors. They are Alan Stevens, Derek Mullett, Ken Wirdnam, Elinor Dolan and Janet Mitchell.

The boxes will contain a number of small toys, toiletries and sweets, items that most of the children they are going to have never seen.

Mrs Williams added: The children at Oakdale have taken great care and have been very thoughtful in the choice of gifts. They have also written special cards and decorated their boxes.

The shoeboxes will be taken from the school to a special pick-up point and then flown out to different countries.