THE spiralling cost of housing in London has led a swarm of tenants and buyers to move to Walthamstow, because of its fantastic value for money.

While the East End has been gentrified and property prices have rocketed, E17 still provides a reasonable deal. .

In fact last week the The Independent ran a front page article on its property supplement about Walthamstow.

It said the area boasted affordable rents, excellent Victoria Line tube and rail links to the city, a "harmonious atmosphere on the streets", the village, the market's fresh food stalls, Manze's pie and eel shrine and lots of places to visit.

The thumbs down was given to the high council tax, tatty streets and houses, dirty and potentially unsafe stations, lack of cafe society - "more spotted dick than bruschetta" and a limited choice for evenings out.

Apparently new residents are young professionals working in the West End and the City, creative types just starting out in the theatre, music or advertising and nurses, refugees and some foreign students.