This week, Bromley has increased its daily parking charges at its public car parks by 50 per cent e.g. Westmoreland rises from £4 to £6 per day. The Gatsby Spa at Holmes Place is now demanding that its customers pay in full at time of booking an appointment. (Please note they won't accept a deposit to hold a reservation, stating that hotels, the obvious compari-son, are acting illegally and can't hold cardholders details without permission; yet dentists, other spas and hairdressers, chiropodists, service garages etc., don't ask for appointment fees in advance?

And sadly, the Managing Director, did not return my call to discuss further). Supposedly this is just to cover lead up to Christmas, but how often is it that a new system is put in place temporarily and never removed?

So it appears that Bromley businesses are keen to take as much money away from us as they can possibly drag out - and for some way in advance of the supply of services. Yet wouldn't it be nice, if like 50 years ago, businesses in Bromley could support the work of St Cecilias Leonard Cheshire Home in Sundridge Avenue by donating some of their new cash to help the new building appeal. Particularly as all those years ago, the people of Bromley inspired by Leonard Cheshire donated not just their money but their time too to create a home which has been an important part of life for Bromley disabled people for such a long time. Can Bromley do it again?

S Brown

Fashoda Road


November 23, 2001 15:51