MORE than 500 patients in Enfield have been told to find another GP because their surgery is heavily oversubscribed.

The patients who are on the books of Dr Subrahmanyam's Ordnance Road surgery received letters of notification from Enfield, Barnet and Haringey Health Authority two weeks ago.

The move has disgusted many long-standing patients, many of whom have been attending the surgery for more than 30 years.

Patients now face the desperate and frustrating situation of finding another surgery in a borough facing the growing problem of oversubscription.

Many surgeries have already closed their books and the problem is set to get worse with a number of GPs set for retirement later this year.

Former patient Keith Yeo from Albany Park Avenue said: "My family have been registered at the surgery for the last 35 years so the letter came as a complete surprise.

"At the time we were quite worried. My four-month-old son is in the middle of his immunisation programme and my wife was concerned about where we were going to go.

"It seems extraordinary that long-standing patients like us get removed by this random method of reduction while patients who have been there for months can remain on the books."

"I have been able to find another practice but not everyone will be so lucky."

The trust said the process of elimination had been carefully considered.

A spokeswoman said: "We realise that a patient's relationship with their GP can be a very personal one.

"We believe the new arrangements will provide safer care for patients and relieve some of the pressure for services at the practice."

"We have been given funding to appoint another doctor in October.

"The trust is also developing a nearby practice, the Enfield Island Surgery, and this has room for many more patients."

July 10, 2002 17:00