REDBRIDGE Magistrates Court's drug referral scheme is set to provide a model to courts across the country.

Home Office minister Bob Ainsworth has revealed that it is the Government's intention to provide funding to extend court-based drug referral schemes to other courts.

Speaking in response to a query from Ilford North MP Linda Perham at the House of Commons last week, he said: "All police forces in England and Wales have arrest referral schemes, some of which include court-based schemes. We are providing up to £6million in matched funding for the police towards these costs.

"Police forces and drug action teams will be encouraged to extend coverage to the courts as well as to custody suites. Funding to support that will be announced shortly."

He added: "We intend not only to continue but to enhance such schemes and improve their ability to get offenders into drug treatment."

Redbridge Magistrates Court has operated such a scheme for the past three years.

It was the first London court to appoint a court-based drug worker, who has helped 150 offenders in each of the last three years. During this time, more than half of these have moved into detox, rehab or treatment.

Redbridge Court bench chairman Cllr Richard Hoskins said: "Our experience over the past three years is that court-based drug worker intervention is successful in breaking the revolving door syndrome of so many drug-related offenders. Treatment works."

Both Cllr Hoskins and Redbridge's clerk to the justices Kevin Moore have welcomed Mrs Perham's continued support to the court, and thanked her for highlighting the courts' achievements.

Mr Moore said: "We are grateful to Linda Perham for raising this important issue with the Home Office minister.

"The court has been encouraged by the fact that the Redbridge drug action team has recently taken over responsibility for funding the Redbridge Court Drug Scheme.

"The court is in partnership with the North East London Mental Health Trust (NELMHT) with the drug worker based both at the Barkingside courthouse and the Redbridge drug and alcohol service.

"The experience we have built up over the past three years can now continue for the future."

January 27, 2003 09:30