ENVIRONMENTALLY aware volunteers will take to the streets of Rickmansworth on Monday, February 3 and Tuesday, February 4 to clean up the town ditch.

Members of the British Trust for Conservation Volunteers will spend two days at the site clearing debris to ensure a good flow of water.

The ditch runs from Scotsbridge playing fields, along Talbot Road, and down the back of Ebury Road.

Volunteers clear out the ditch twice a year to allow a proper flow of water.

Mr Robin Barber from Three Rivers Council said: "The volunteers do a good job. They save the council money and they're interested in the environment so they take care of the ditch, which is quite old.

"If we don't clear it, it can flood back gardens and cause problems, especially with heavy rainfall.

"It's important that it's cleared by environmental people who know what to take out and what to leave."

The clean up is part of the Better Britain Campaign, a national project that aims "to enable effective action for community based sustainable development by providing grants, information and building a network of groups sharing experience and good practice."

January 27, 2003 17:30