There has been overwhelming support to keep a century-old village school open in a preliminary consultation.

Education chiefs told governors of Dorset Road Infants, Mottingham, out of 481 responents, more than 460 said the school should stay as it is with no moves to cut costs.

A document compiled by Bromley Council's education department stated: "The school is said to be the focal point for the Mottingham village. It is cherished by the local community." One respondent commented: "Without the school, Mottingham will die." Headteacher Liz Keable said the outcome is "absolutely superb".

Bromley Council caused outrage last year when it announced the school might have to close to cut costs. It received a 550-name petition.

The results will be reported to the children and young persons' policy committee, in March.

January 28, 2003 11:00