BIGGIN Hill residents have welcomed measures introduced to reduce the risk of accidents along their road.

Bromley Council finished a resurfacing project on Main Road before Christmas and has installed flashing signs to alert drivers when their speed exceeds 30 miles per hour. It has also put up notices warning drivers to slow down around bends.

The measures were taken after residents lobbied the council to make their road less slippery and alert drivers to the speed limit after a series of car accidents.

Biggin Hill and District Residents' Association chairmam David Haslem said: "Part of the problem is people regard the road as a dual carriageway even though it has a 30mph restriction.

"Drivers tend to go too fast but I've now seen bus drivers hurtle up at 35mph and then slow down when they see the signs.

"But I think we've got a safer road."

January 29, 2003 16:00