RESIDENTS of Radlett are being encouraged to join or create neighbourhood watch groups to prevent an increase of crime in the area.

Members of Aldenham Parish Council are concerned about the rising level of crime in the area, such as thefts from building sites, that could be prevented by increased vigilance.

Chairman John Howley said: "People should be aware of whether there is a neighbourhood watch set up in their area or where their nearest group is based.

"Those concerned should try to prevent crime rather than turn to a group once the incident has already occured.

"We do have a problem with groups of ten to 12 year olds causing trouble but PC Scheuber has identified several of the culprits.

"He has spoken to them with their parents present and the trouble appears to be getting better.

"Hopefully the problems with youths has abated for the moment but people should remain aware."

January 29, 2003 16:00