IF your child started choking on a coin or poured boiling water over itself would you know what to do?

What about if a friend had a heart attack in front of you?

These are questions that will be answered as part of a basic first aid awareness event being organised by Pegasus Health and Safety Consultants at Harlow Sportcentre, Hammerskjold Road, Harlow, between 10am and 4pm on Saturday, March 15.

Experts in first aid are also being sought to volunteer to help and give advice during the event that wil concentrate on treating babies and children. However advice will also be given on giving first aid to adults.

There will also be information on more in depth first aid courses run by St John Ambulance and at Harlow College and other health issues such as meningitis and heart problems.

Pegasus' senior training consultant Brian Goodwin is holding the day after hearing about so many unnecessary child injuries and deaths in recent times.

"I just want to bring people up to date, it is so easy to deal with these emergency situations, it just takes a bit of training. Children often put things in their mouth or scold themselves. It's not that hard to deal with these problems and at the end of the day it could happen to you and you could be able to do a lot about it."

For more details, ring Pegasus on 01279 830529.

Money will be raised by Pegasus on the day for a new vital signs monitor for the Samson Maternity Ward at Princess Alexandra Hospital, Harlow.

Donations can be made on the day or sent to Samson Ward Trust Fund, Pegasus Health and Safety Consultants, Pegasus House, 250 River Mill, Harlow, Essex, CM20 1PD. Mr Goodwin hopes local businesses could help the fund hit its target.

January 30, 2003 11:00