New lease of life for elm tree

Ealing's last elm tree has been saved from the axe after being transformed into a sculpture merging wildlife and fantasy.

The 120-year-old, 28ft tall wych elm tree in Acton Park has been diagnosed with Dutch elm disease and rather than cutting down the tree, sculptor Dennis Heath has spent the last two weeks transforming it. The spectacular tree now features owls, squirrels, a snail and fairies sat on top of dragonflies along with grass and flowers. The inspirations for the carvings have all come from the feel and character of the park. Mr Heath, pictured right with the tree, said: "The ideas for the carvings just evolved as I worked my way down the tree. Some of the images were inspired by my granddaughter and the enthusiasm of the Acton Park ranger. I really wanted to get a feel of fantasy and the surrounding wildlife at the same time."The finished carving will be unveiled during a ceremony at 10.30am next Friday.

To see more of Dennis's chainsaw artwork visit

January 30, 2003 17:00