The next open day at Roehampton will be held on Wednesday, February 12.

The days are a perfect chance to find out about university life, demystify any concerns you may have about applying to university, issues around finance, how you will cope with study and what it's like being a student.

The day consists of an introductory talk, an information fair, lots of campus tours and, in the afternoon, a chance to attend talks about a subject you would like to study.

Most of Roehampton students come from around greater London, particularly the local area, and many started their life at Roehampton by coming to an open day first to discover what it is like.

Roehampton students and staff are on hand throughout the day to help you find the information that you need, so don't worry if you come armed with lots of questions.


You may be keen to apply to start this September or perhaps you've never thought about it before, but always wondered what it would be like.

Either way, to find out more about the open days or to ask about courses you can study here call our friendly enquiries team on 8392 3232, email or go to

January 30, 2003 09:30