Regarding the letter Fly your flag with pride (letters, May 2), I too was angry to hear that Merton Council didn't fly our national flag on St George's Day.

However this apathy went much further than an absent flag on a council building.

The TV channels completely ignored the fact it was St George's Day.

I called the BBC to ask why and was told the BBC has a policy of not recognising national days.

So why is it then that on St Patrick's Day on March 17 the BBC news had coverage of St Patrick's Day parades and special events not just here but also abroad, the weathermen wished us a happy day and even EastEnders that night got on the bandwagon with a St Patrick's Day special at the Queen Vic!

The ITV channels, again including the news, also snubbed St George's Day and when I contacted them to ask why I was told it was not really something they wanted to promote. They said: "St George's Day is no big deal in the south east."

I'm originally from the Midlands and there it certainly is a big deal

as people understand the importance of celebrating their heritage and


The Welsh, Scots and the Irish are not afraid to stand up and celebrate their culture on their national days so why are we English generally made to feel our culture doesn't matter?

I hope next year people will come out and celebrate and who knows, it might even be fun!


Trafalgar Road

South Wimbledon

May 30, 2003 16:00