Terry Wilcox (letters, May 16) continues the distortion presented so often in the past few months by those opposed to CPZ in Merton Park.

The council did indeed assure residents that their views would be taken into account. What the council did not do was offer residents not experiencing a problem a veto over those who do. They consulted over a wide area, parts of which do have a commuter parking problem now and parts which do not.

Those of us in areas seriously affected by commuter parking voted in favour of our streets being protected from commuter parking, others in areas not so affected voted against.

The council listened and heeded the concerns of residents who have experienced growing problems over the past few years.

Far from the council imposing something in the face of over-whelming opposition, the CPZ consultation in Merton Park is an example of good consultation practice.


Church Lane

Merton Park

May 30, 2003 16:00