A hapless burglar's attempt to escape police was thwarted when the fleeing crook ran into a cricket net, entangling himself until officers arrived.

Wayne Lothian, of Violet Close, Worcester Park, had broken into Worcester Park Athletic Club in March and was escaping through a window when police arrived.

Last week, Sutton magistrates ordered Lothian to begin a 15-month drug treatment and testing order.

After the break-in, the 23 year old was spotted by officers, who shouted at him to stop but he decided to make a break for it.

Pursued by one officer, the trainee bricklayer hurtled straight into the club's cricket nets, which he had not seen in the darkness, snaring himself until the officer caught up and arrested him.

The court heard Lothian was a drug addict who had broken into the club to steal money to feed his habit.

It was heard the inept raider had several convictions for theft and burglary and has spent time in prison.

During an earlier hearing at the court he pleaded guilty to attempting to steal cash and cigarettes to the value of £450 from the Green Lane sports club.

The chairman of the magistrates said: "Believe me, we have thought about this for quite a while and you were very close to being sent back to prison.

"But we have decided go along with the drug treatment and testing order (recommended in a probation report), which will be for 15 months and you will have to satisfy all the conditions, which can be quite onerous."

He added: "If you don't comply with the order you will be brought back and sentenced some other way, which in your case will be prison."

Lothian was ordered to pay £118 court costs and must attend the drug programme on a daily basis.

-From The Sutton Guardian

May 31, 2003 09:00