IGNORANCE and opportunity are two of the reasons behind teenage pregnancy, claims one community leader.

Roy Hillman is chairman of the community forum in Slade Green, an area with one of the highest teenage pregnancy rates in Bexley.

The forum has been working with Bexley Council, which has been charged by the Government with reducing the number of young girls who become pregnant, by 45 per cent by 2010.

Speaking in a personal capacity, Mr Hillman said young people were caught in a vicious circle which has to be broken by parents.

He said: "The problem is partly ignorance but also because they have the opportunity. Kids are allowed to roam the streets until late at night, drinking alcohol."

According to the latest figures, there were 180 girls in Bexley aged under 18 who became pregnant in 2003.

Four wards, Thamesmead East, Erith, North End and Colyers, where social deprivation is the highest and girls' academic achievement is the lowest, account for more than half of all teenage conceptions in the borough.

And their rates have risen since Bexley launched its strategy in 2001, to try and deal with the problem.

Mr Hillman said: "We have teenage girls growing up in less than ideal circumstances who then repeat the behaviour of their own parents.

"It is ironic that it is illegal to leave a child on its own in the house, but not to kick it out on the street," he pointed out.

But he had some words of comfort for Slade Green.

"We would like some work done to find out how many of the teenage pregnancies in Slade Green are home grown.

"When families break up, they are often rehoused in this area and it may be their family circumstances which lead to in a teenage pregnancy.

"We have no idea how many girls born and brought up in Slade Green are included in these figures."

Several initiatives have been launched as part of the council's strategy.

These include youth advisory clinics, access to emergency contraception at pharmacies, a C-Card for free condoms and a school-based drop-in centre to provide contraception, and pregnancy testing.

Are you a young mum who got pregnant because you did not know about contraception? Or do you know any young mums who have several children? Call the newsdesk on 01689 885703.