A SERIES of public meetings are to be held on proposed changes to a borough's special school provision.

Bromley Council wants to hear from people about the plans, setting a deadline of July 22 for responses.

Children and young people portfolio holder Councillor Graham Arthur said: "I would urge everyone with an interest in this important consultation to respond with their views, so they can be taken into account in the decision- making process."

The meetings are at Bromley civic centre on June 21 at 2pm; St Paul's Cray Primary School on June 22 at 7pm; Warren Road Primary School on June 27 at 7pm; and Education Development Centre, Bromley, on June 29 at 7pm.

Call Kevin Gerred on 020 8313 4024 or visit SEN Consultation on the website bromley.gov.uk l Views can be expressed via a Learning Together leaflet from libraries and council offices, by calling 020 8313 4088, or emailing sen.consultation@bromley.gov.uk