DRUM UP INTEREST: The Horniman Museum, London Road, Forest Hill, is holding a series of 10-week courses teaching the art of African dance and drumming. The courses are open to both adults and children. For more information, call 020 8314 5328.

ART ON SHOW: A series of engravings, paintings and prints by artists including Ellen Graubart and Trevor Price are being displayed at Honor Oak Gallery, Honor Oak Park, Brockley. The exhibition is on between 9.30am and 5pm, Tuesday to Saturday.

QUESTION TIME: Lewisham Mayor Steve Bullock will be touring the borough over the coming months, in a series of question and answer sessions with residents. The next meeting is tomorrow, from 7pm, at The Albany, Douglas Way, Deptford.

DANCE CLASSES: Greenwich Dance Agency hosts classes in a variety of dance styles, for people of all ages, at Borough Hall, Royal Hill, Greenwich. Call 020 8293 9741 for more details.

TELLING TALES: Maltese storyteller Saviour Pirotta will be telling tales at the Bob Hope Theatre, Wythfield Road, Eltham, on June 19, from 7.30pm.

COUNCIL MEETING: A full Greenwich Council meeting takes place tonight, from 7pm, at the town hall, Wellington Street, Woolwich.